Kevin's Story

Kevin was a smart funny kid with ideas. And one day he wanted me to make him a giant mitten so little by little over years I knitted him a giant mitten. Kevin grew up to be a fine young man helpful and considerate of others. He volunteered in helping the homeless and helping troubled teens. This he did quietly and even his family knew little if anything about it until after his death in the back seat of a car that had a head on collision with a van when he was 25 years old.

He was a lot more too. He wrote poetry, wanted to work in the music industry after finding out he didn’t have what it took to have his own band. He loved life and his friends.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Return of the Missing Knitter:

First I’d like to say I didn’t fall off the earth like some people supposed.

Next I’d like to thank those of you that have hung in there waiting for my return.

I was sick, got back logged and had to meet other responsibilities first.

I did make a few animal puppet mittens; frog, lion, and pig in children’s sizes. I hope to make more mittens in the future.

If you have a free pattern for mittens and would like a link added to the blog just let me know and I’ll check it out.

My test knitters are out there and will get my free pattern tested out as soon as they can I’m sure. They are very nice people and very busy people too.

Thanks again, Kevin’s Mom