Kevin's Story

Kevin was a smart funny kid with ideas. And one day he wanted me to make him a giant mitten so little by little over years I knitted him a giant mitten. Kevin grew up to be a fine young man helpful and considerate of others. He volunteered in helping the homeless and helping troubled teens. This he did quietly and even his family knew little if anything about it until after his death in the back seat of a car that had a head on collision with a van when he was 25 years old.

He was a lot more too. He wrote poetry, wanted to work in the music industry after finding out he didn’t have what it took to have his own band. He loved life and his friends.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hi Folks,

I have to eat my words. There was box in the mailbox waiting for me from a family friend for Kevin's Mittens with seven pair inside.

Sorry I spouted off the other day. I should have known that help was coming.

Thank you all for your good thoughts and mittens too.

Kevin's Mom

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Message from Kevin's Mom 12-12-09:

Hi Folks,

Once I was able to get a new internet server and could get back onto the web after months of absence, the first thing I did was check to see if I had any messages or donations of mittens to post.

It was nice to see that this site has gotten 50 to over 100 hits a week for some time now. But not one of you have told me of your mittens for those in need.

I haven't even gotten a request for mittens from those that may need them.

My email box was nothing but web traffic reports and spam. I'm very glad that you find my free mitten pattern worth your time and for those of you who needed the pattern to warm your families hands I'm glad share it with you.

Yes, there was donations from others and mittens made by me in the time I was absent here. I was hoping that others out there were looking for a way to help people and that my son could be remembered in this way.

So take the free mitten pattern I worked so hard on and make the mittens you need. But please help someone out in one way or another and tell me you did it in Kevin's name. And be happy that you are not missing someone enough to need to do what I have here.

And if you are missing a loved one comment on that also when you tell me about your donation. Others just might want to hear about it too. I know I would.

Thank you for visiting, Kevin's Mom